03 - Forum Overview - How it Works!

Things you can and can't do on this board.
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Joined: Wed Jun 30, 2021 11:01 pm

03 - Forum Overview - How it Works!

Post by tombertz »

This Message Board is structured in a hierarchical format.

It is comprised of three interactive groupings of USERS, GROUPS, and POSTS.

USERS are people who have accessed the website (surfclub.us).
If they've successfully registered for board access, they will be placed into a GROUP depending on their registration status.
     USERS who have been confirmed via the Collier County Real Estate Database, will be classified as OWNERS
     USERS who are NOT OWNERS may be classified as VISITORS if approved in writing by the affected OWNER, 
          otherwise they will remain as GUESTS.
     HOA Board Members will be classified as BOARD members (in addition to OWNERS). 
          They will have access to all CATEGORIES and FORUMS.
GROUPS are comprised of a number of USERS with common interest and security levels.
          Oversee the operation and availability of the forum.
          Their security allows them access to all aspects of the system.

          If you haven't registered or logged in - you are a guest.
          Guests have the lowest level of security and are precluded from accessing any of the board's activities.
          Guests can read the RULES.
          No other board areas are available for their access.

          Currently (and until I can complete the culling task) ALL registered users are considered OWNERS.
          Owners have access to all areas of the forum. They can read/write posts, send messages to each other, etc.
          There are a few limitations in place and they'll be explained later.

          Registered users who are not OWNERS are considered VISITORS.
          Visitors will have access similar to owners in the Rent/Sales Forum.
          Visitors will be able to read postings in the Surf Club Discussion Forum.
          Visitors will not be allowed to read or post in the HOA Board Discussion Forum.
Eventually, using existing data and access to the Collier County Real Estate Database, I will verify each OWNER and the UNIT/WEEKS they own.
If OWNERSHIP cannot be confirmed, that USER will remain classified as a GUEST until they have been confirmed or a written approval from the affected owner has been received.
POSTS are maintained in a series of CATEGORIES, each containing one or more FORUMS.
Each FORUM contains a series of TOPICS where, depending on your security level, you can read/write POSTS.

     Board Rules and Description 
          Welcome, Rules & Description - Read Only for everyone.

     Rentals & Sales
          Unit Sales - Read/Write for OWNERS/VISITORS - No access for others
          Unit Rentals - Read/Write for OWNERS/VISITORS - No access for others

     Community Discussion 
          Surf Club Discussion - Read/Write for OWNERS - Read Only for VISITORS - No access for others
          HOA Board Discussion (PUBLIC) - Read/Write for OWNERS - No access for others
          HOA Board Discussion (PRIVATE) - Read/Write for OWNERS - No access for others
               (NOTE: Private POSTS can only be READ by the originator or by any BOARD member)

     Forum Discussion
          Request help with a Forum Issue - Read/Write for OWNERS/VISITORS - No access for others
          Report a FORUM problem - Read/Write for OWNERS/VISITORS - No access for others
          Request a Forum Enhancement - Read/Write for OWNERS - No access for others
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